WeRelate:Suggestions/Capitalization consistency on Surname & Category pages

Original Suggestion & Discussion

It seems WR allows category and surname pages to differ by only the capitalization of a letter. Can we have all of the van der Velde appear in one category instead? Can we avoid multiple surname pages being created for the same name?

Examples: Category:Van der Velde surname and Category:Van Der Velde surname - the contents of these two categories should appear under one united category.

Surname:Van Der Velde and Surname:Van der Velde

I know that categories are being reworked. Is a solution for this a part of the new design? --Jennifer (JBS66) 15:26, 7 July 2011 (EDT)

The search-based approach to surname categories won't be case-sensitive, so that will take care of categories. But Surname page titles will continue to be case-sensitive.
I'm not sure how best to handle surname pages going forward. Soon, we won't need them for tracking similar names because we'll another way to do that. So the only use for them will be for one-name studies. I'm thinking that the best approach will be to decide that a certain capitalization is preferred and to create redirects for the other capitalizations to point to the preferred capitalization, like wikipedia does.--Dallan 14:37, 13 July 2011 (EDT)

Neutral Watchers


Admin Follow up

We are currently working through the backlog of suggestions. It would appear that although Categories are still case sensitive, this might not be as much of a problem as before, since the new(er) Search function can handle spelling variations in surnames. Do you want the keep this suggestion active?

We will move this Suggestion to archive if no response or objection is received within 10 days. --cos1776 22:44, 27 October 2016 (UTC)

No response. Moving to archive. --cos1776 17:10, 18 November 2016 (UTC)