My Trees
Default (search) (explore) (copy)
pages: 2
Roberts - Aikens (search)
pages: 0
Roberts-Barnett-Jones-Abercrombie (search) (explore) (copy)
pages: 320

Image:Example.jpg My name is John Roberts and I am a retired public school teacher/coach. Since retiring I have been caught up in the genealogy craze. My tree has come from family histories that were provided to me. I have not been out in the real world of genealogy yet, preferring to work from my computer. I do, however, plan to venture into the world of real person by joining my local genealogy society and the nearest Family History Center. In other terms it's time to leave the nest, genealogically. The main surnames I am presently researching are Roberts, Barnett, Jones and Abercrombie. Please contact me if you have anything at all to add to my research.