
My Trees
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My name is Don Austin. I retired in the summer of 2008 and became involved in starting an online business before the end of the year. I tell you true that really eats up the time that could otherwise be spent on genealogy.

I've been actively researching my genealogy online for the past nine years. Early in my genealogy days I was fortunate to find people who had been there before me and they provided me with the basic tree to "leaf out." It is my intent to use this site to post the branches of my tree as separate trees, something I've been wanting to do for some time. Most of my family lines were on the American continent by 1680, primarily in New England & Virginia, and come together in North Missouri by 1870. Like most Americans of the period they were agrarian in their roots but many also practiced a trade, craft or profession and seem to have been held by all to have been "independent as a hog on ice." I can personally vouch for four generations and that doesn't include myself, though it might encompass my brother.