Transcript talk:Savage, James. Genealogical Dictionary of the First Settlers of New England/v1p444


Defect 1 [15 April 2014]

The recorded marriage date is 25 Dec 1690, not 25 Dec 1698. This is clearly a typo, as seen on p. 2:7 where it is given correctly. All 4 children were born prior to 25 Dec 1698, so the most cursory checking would indicate the 1698 date is invalid, but it continues to be propagated by blind copying. --Jrich 15:20, 15 April 2014 (UTC)

Defect 2 [21 June 2016]

The first Edward had no son Edward, and there is no such person as the second Edward. The marriage to Joanna Sprague is the first Edward marrying for the third time shortly before his death (i.e., not "prob. rem." as Savage says for the second Edward). The first Edward did not even get his will updated as it still mentioned deceased second wife Sara. See NEHGR, vol. 153, p. 82 (excerpts available online here). --Jrich 20:33, 21 June 2016 (UTC)