Transcript:Will of Alexander Walker, Augusta County, VA, 1774



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Original Source:Will of Alexander Walker dated 20 Nov 1774, Will Book 5, page 326, Augusta Co., VA
First Intermediate Source:[Originally transcribed by Mrs. Pegeen Soare
Second Intermediate: Kristian Connley, 27 Dec 2011 "verified by me from a Xerox copy of the original will".


Person:Alexander Walker (42)


1. I allow my dear and loving wife, Elizabeth her maintainance of the plantation during her widowhood
2. I allow my son Robert 100 pounds and a stallion colt and my own saddle and my own black cloths and my hat and the little Negro boy called Dick
3. I give to my daughter Mary 50 pounds and the Negro wench called Lucey and her wheel and a young black mare a foal of young Jewels and her saddle and her own cloths
4. I give to my son Andrew 80 pounds and 90 acres of land that I bought of Joseph Lindel, a negro boy called Frederick and a young horse a foal of old Jewels and Roberts saddle and if he stays on the plantation I allow him one years schooling and a new saddle and his clothing of the plantation if he works.
5. I give to my daughter Martha 50 Pounds and a Negro boy called Sampson
6. I give to my daughter Elizabeth 50 pounds and a Negro woman called Judith and what children the said Negro woman has after this is to be divided between Barbara and John
7. I give to my daughter Isabell 50 pounds and a Negro man named Sambo
8. I give to my daughter Barbara 70 pounds
9. I give to my son John the plantation I now live on and all the iron tacklings on the plantation when he comes to age I allow him 50 pounds in money I also allow the Butten horse and the roan young mare to work on the plantation and young Jewel and her mother to be on the plantation to breed for the benefit of the children that has no horses till each of them has one apiece and the remainder of the horses that is not mentioned to be sold I allow 8 cows to be on the plantation and 12 sheep and 10 hogs and the remainder of the cows sheep and hogs to be sold at publick vandue only 2 old cows for beef next year and the cattle to be kept on the plantation till next May and then sold at publick vandue. The wagon I allow to be sold I allow the children to be schooled out of these effects that is left I allow the two old Negroes Sambo and Judith to work on the plantation to raise bread for the family
10. I allow my daughter Margaret 5 pounds in money
11. I leave my son Alexanders 2 children Jane and Elizabeth Walker 20 shillings each when they come of age and if it should please God to call any of these children away by death before they come of age I allow their part to be equally divided among the rest and what effects and money is left on the plantation after the children is come of age and schooled I allow to be equally divided among them all
12. I allow my wife Elizabeth and my son Robert to be my executors and I allow John Campbell Jun. to be guardian to them

Wit: Joseph Hannah, Robert Haslet, Thomas Connly