Transcript:Savage, James. Genealogical Dictionary of the First Settlers of New England/v2p41


Volume 2, Page 41

great promise, gr. gr s. of Edward bef. ment. had been gr. in 1828 at Harv.
and one at Bowd.

    DERING or DEERING, GEORGE, Scarborough 1645. Maine Hist. Coll. I.
288. See Dearing. HENRY, Boston 1663, b. as the fam. geneal. has it, 16
Aug. 1639, m. 8 June 1664, Ann, wid. of Ralph Benning, had Ann, b. 31 May
1667; he m. next, 15 Nov. 1676, Elizabeth wid. of Theodore Atkinson, d. of Edward
Mitchelson, had Elizabeth b. 4 Jan. 1679; Mary, and Martha, tw. 1682, both d.
young; and Henry, 6 Oct. 1684. He was ens. in one of the Boston milit.
comp. and he and his w. were bur. 1717 in one grave; as in ano. were Robert
Winsor and w. the same evening, Hutch. II. 223. Elizabeth m. William Welsteed.
HENRY, Boston, s. of the preced. m. 8 Feb. 1709, Elizabeth Packer, had Henry, b.
1712, d. soon; Henry, again, 1713, d. young; Elizabeth 20 Nov. 1715; Mary, 17 Feb.
1718; Thomas, 16 May 1720; Henry, third, 1722, d. young; Ann, 6 Oct. 1724;
Mitchelson, 1726, d. young; Sarah, 1728, d. young; Abigail, 1730, d. young;
Sarah, again, 25 Nov. 1732; and Henry, fourth, 13 Jan. 1735. The fam. name
was perpet. by Thomas. But ano. Deering fam. wh. I am unable to get acco.
of, was of Braintree, and spread to Wrentham.

    DERMIT, WILLIAM, Piscataqua 1633, under Wannerton. Belkn. I. 425.

    DESBOROUGH, ISAAC, Lynn, came in the Hopewell, Capt. Bundock, from
London 1635, aged 18. He was of Elltisley, a. 12 ms. from Cambridge, Eng.
was, no doubt, relat. of Maj. Gen. John, wh. m. a sis. of Oliver Cromwell,
and so by the usurper. entrust. to be of his upper house; and we may be
sure went home in few yrs. after 1638, when Lewis gives him resid. here. +
* SAMUEL, New Haven 1639, prob. from London, s. of James of Elltisley in
Co. Cambridge, Eng. lord of that manor, prob. br. of Isaac, b. 13 or 30 Nov.
1619, was one of the early sett. of Guilford 1641, and at the gathering of
the ch. 19 June 1643, tho. so young, he was one of the seven pillars. The
name of his w. is not found, prob. he had more than one; and d. Sarah, b.
Mar. 1649, in the only rec. of his fam. In Mather, II. cap. 12, he is call.
John in the list of Assist. of the Col. but that error is less gross than
that of the date 1637, wh. was bef. any part of the col. was occup. by
Christians. He went home in the autumn of 1650, with his min. Whitfield.
His w. d. of smallpox late in 1654; and he m. Rose, wid. of Samuel Penoyer,
whose br. William, a merch. of London, benefact. of Harv. Coll. was trustee
in the m. sett. Being br. of John, the maj. gen. wh. had m. a sis. of
Cromwell, and was one of his lords, he got rapid preferment, was a gen.
officer, commiss. of the revenues, and was soon chos. to parliam. in 1651
for Edinburgh, and in 1656 by Oliver's favor was return. to ano. of his