
The pages from this GEDCOM have not yet been generated because they appear to match pages from a GEDCOM you have previously imported to WeRelate.

If you have already imported a GEDCOM containing people in this GEDCOM and you want to replace that tree with this GEDCOM, you need to delete that tree first so duplicates aren't created when you import this GEDCOM. Click on Trees in the "My Relate" menu, then click on the "delete" link next to that tree. Please be aware that any pages in the tree that are being watched by others won't get deleted. Once that tree is deleted you can create a new tree and re-upload this GEDCOM into it. (We're planning to make re-uploading GEDCOM files much simpler soon.)

If you don't think you have already imported a GEDCOM containing people in this GEDCOM, or if the two GEDCOM's don't overlap that much, leave a message for Dallan or send an email to dallan@WeRelate.org and we'll go ahead with the import.