
Help Request [22 June 2016]

Hi Pkeegstra. I am working on maintenance for our Uncategorized pages list, and this batch of Articles by you are currently on the list:

58. BEFSscans/Antwerpen
59. BEFSscans/Brabant-Wallon
60. BEFSscans/Brussels
61. BEFSscans/Hainaut
62. BEFSscans/Limburg
63. BEFSscans/Liège
64. BEFSscans/Luxembourg
65. BEFSscans/Namur
66. BEFSscans/Oost-Vlaanderen
67. BEFSscans/Vlaams-Brabant
68. BEFSscans/West-Vlaanderen

Since I'm not sure how best to categorize them, could you help me clear them off the list by adding your choice of appropriate Category from WeRelate:Category index to each page? I'm pretty certain you already know how to do this. The list gets updated every Sat. Much Thanks in Advance, --cos1776 15:28, 21 June 2016 (UTC)

I looked at the companion NLFScans to see what categories they use, and discovered they don't have categories either. I specified the place, and the page is getting a category from that. Is that good enough? --pkeegstra 10:18, 22 June 2016 (UTC)
Thank you for thinking ahead and checking on the others as well. The goal in this is two-fold - both to clear the list (which I think you have done) and to categorize them in a meaningful way. I think adding the Place is certainly a step in the right direction. Feel free to add additional categories if you think of any others that might apply. Regards, --cos1776 18:26, 22 June 2016 (UTC)

Source title for documents other than DTB, BS & BR? [24 April 2021]

It took me while to realize that most sources imported from FamilySearch are being ignored for Belgium and the Netherlands. I've cleaned up most of my data so that it now uses the source titles with "Doop-, Trouw- en Begraafboeken", "Burgerlijke Stand" and "Bevolkingsregister". Is there a generic title or titles recommended for other documents that do not fit into these existing titles?

I'm not suggesting that these titles I'm asking about be added as columns in these article pages. I'd just like to see standard names used across all municipalities. 01:56, 22 April 2021 (UTC)

I started a page NLFSscans/Andere Bronnen with a table in which all applicable archive sites can have their options listed in a column and we can suggest a consensus standardized source page title. --pkeegstra 17:50, 24 April 2021 (UTC)

I included most of the options from AlleFriezen, the one obviously applicable option from AlleGroningers, most of the options from BHIC, and most of the options from OpenArchieven. I'm not sure which site you meant by RHCe. I only wrote suggested source names for cases for which I am aware of examples. --pkeegstra 19:58, 24 April 2021 (UTC)