, Inc. Biography and Genealogy Master Index

Source Biography and Genealogy Master Index
Author, Inc.
Subject Biography
Publication information
Type Miscellaneous
Publisher Gale Research Co.
Date issued 2003
Place issued Detroit, MI
Citation, Inc. Biography and Genealogy Master Index. (Detroit, MI: Gale Research Co., 2003).
Ancestry.com website

Citation, Inc., 2003. Gale Research Company. Biography and Genealogy Master Index. Detroit: Gale Research Co., 2003.

Usage Tips

This database is a compiled index to millions of Americans who have been profiled in collective biography volumes such as Who's Who in America, Women of Science, Who's Who of American Women, National Cyclopedia to American Biography, Directory of American Scholars, and American Black Writers. It includes information first published in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. In addition to providing the individual's name, birth, and death dates (where available), the reference to the source document is included.