Source:Moore, U. S. Chronological History of William and Harriett Moore and Their Relatives and Decendents (Sic)

Source Chronological history of William and Harriett Moore and their relatives and decendents [sic]
together with an account of their travels from the time they left England with their parents, until their death : also a sketch of the lives of their children
Author Moore, U. S
Surname Bennett, Moore
Subject Family tree
Publication information
Type Book
Publisher U.S. Moore
Date issued 1904
Place issued Lomax, Ill.
Moore, U. S. Chronological history of William and Harriett Moore and their relatives and decendents [sic]: together with an account of their travels from the time they left England with their parents, until their death : also a sketch of the lives of their children. (Lomax, Ill.: U.S. Moore, 1904).
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