Source:Leach, Josiah Granville. Some Account of Captain John Frazier and His Descendants

Source Some account of Captain John Frazier and his descendants
with notes on the West and Checkley families
Author Leach, Josiah Granville
Surname Checkley, Fraisur, Fraizier, Fraser, Frayser, Fraysure, Frazer, Frazier, Freyzel, Frezeau, Frisel, Frissell, Frizel, Fryzel, West
Publication information
Publisher J.B. Lippincott
Date issued 1910
Place issued Philadelphia
Leach, Josiah Granville. Some account of Captain John Frazier and his descendants: with notes on the West and Checkley families. (Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott, 1910).
Ancestry.com website

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