Source:Abbott, Fontella Catherine Richardson. Richardson Family

Source The Richardson family
a Richardson family genealogy beginning with our common pioneer ancestor, Josiah Richardson, his wife, Lowly Foote, and their children, dealing specifically with the four families of their son Ebenezer Clawson Richardson, his wives Angeline King, Polly Ann Child, Phoebe Wooster Child, and Elizabeth Gillson, married under the plural system of marriage in the very early orgainization of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, commonly known as Mormon
Author Abbott, Fontella Catherine Richardson
Surname Richardson
Subject Family tree
Publication information
Type Miscellaneous
Publisher F.C.R. Abbott
Date issued c1964
Place issued Boise, Idaho
Abbott, Fontella Catherine Richardson. The Richardson family: a Richardson family genealogy beginning with our common pioneer ancestor, Josiah Richardson, his wife, Lowly Foote, and their children, dealing specifically with the four families of their son Ebenezer Clawson Richardson, his wives Angeline King, Polly Ann Child, Phoebe Wooster Child, and Elizabeth Gillson, married under the plural system of marriage in the very early orgainization of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, commonly known as Mormon. (Boise, Idaho: F.C.R. Abbott, c1964).
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