Place:Gabnavolok, Karelia, Severo-zapadny, Russia


TypeInhabited place
Coordinates62.233333°N 35.566667°E
Located inKarelia, Severo-zapadny, Russia

About Gabnavolok, Karelia, Russia

Gabnavolok, with a latitude of 62.23 (62° 13' 60 N) and a longitude of 35.57 (35° 34' 0 E) is a village in Kareliya, Russia that is near Lake Onega. It is 453 miles (730km) north of Moscow and 208 miles (335km) south west of Severodvinsk. A 100 square km area around Gabnavolok has an approximate population of 2823 (0.000028 persons per square meter) and an average elevation of 50 meters above the sea.

Map of Gabnavolok, Karelia, Russia

Image:Gabnavolok, Russia.jpg