Person talk:Jan Knol (26)


Interpreting the Overlijdensakte [5 June 2017]

As per the overlijdensakte, Jan Klaassens was born in 't Zandt to Klaas Jans and Gerritje. The doop record we have suggests his actual birthplace was Zeerijp. The overlijdensakte of Jacob Klaassens Knol tells us that Klaas Jacobs Knol and Maria/Marijke Jacobs were having children in Zeerijp in 1751, and this huwelijkscontract demonstrates that Maria/marijke Jacobs was still living in 1775. The inference is that the parens of Jan Klaassens are in fact Klaas Jacobs Knol and Maria/Marijke Jacobs. --pkeegstra 14:36, 5 June 2017 (UTC)