Person:John Oldham (3)

m. 17 Nov 1588
  1. Martha Oldham
  2. Mary Oldham
  3. Margaret Oldham
  4. Thomas Oldham1590 - 1636
  5. John OldhamAbt 1592 - 1636
  6. Elizabeth Oldham1594 -
  7. Jacobus Oldham1597 -
  8. John Oldham1598 - 1636
  9. Lucretia Oldham1600/01 - 1678/79
Facts and Events
Name John Oldham
Gender Male
Birth? Abt 1592 Derby, Derbyshire, England
Baptism? 14 Jul 1592 Derby, Derbyshire, England
Death? Jul 1636 Block Island, Newport, Rhode Island, United StatesNearby, by Pequot
Reference Number? Q6251202?

the text in this section is copied from an article in Wikipedia

John Oldham (July 1592 – July 20, 1636) was an early Puritan settler in Massachusetts. He was a captain, merchant, and Indian trader. His death at the hands of the Indians was one of the causes of the Pequot War of 1636–37.

This page uses content from the English Wikipedia. The original content was at John Oldham (colonist). The list of authors can be seen in the page history. As with WeRelate, the content of Wikipedia is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.
  1.   John Oldham, in Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia.

    "John Oldham (1592–1636) was an early Puritan settler in Massachusetts. He was a captain, merchant, and Indian trader. His death at the hands of the Indians was one of the causes of the Pequot War of 1637."

  2.   Willison, George F. Saints and Strangers. (New York, United States: Renal & Hitchcock)
  3.   The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition

    Came to Plymouth in the "Anne" with wife and sister in 1624 c.1600-1636, colonist in New England, b. England. A trader, he emigrated to Plymouth in 1623 but was banished (1624) because of his opposition to the strict government. Later he was involved in establishing the unsuccessful settlement on Cape Ann (1626), several of the settlements in the Massachusetts Bay colony, and Wethersfield, Conn. His murder by the Pequot on Block Island was one of the events leading to the Pequot War [[1]]

  4. Manwaring, Charles W. A Digest of the Early Connecticut Probate Records. (Hartford, Conn.: R. S. Peck & Co., 1904-06).

    Page 3 Name: John Oldame Location:
    A Corte held att Watertowne 10 7br, 1636. Roger Ludlowe Esqr., Mr. Wm. Phelps, Mr. Jo: Steele, Mr. Wm. Westwoode, Mr. Wm. Swaine, Mr. Andr: Warde. Whereas, there was tendered to vs an Inventory of the Estate of Mr. Jo: Olda wch seemed to bee somewhat vncerteinely valued, wee therefore thinke meete to, & soe it is ordered, that Mr. Jo: Plum & Rich: Gildersleeue, togeather wth the Constable, shall survey the saide Inventory and prfect the same before the next Corte, & then to deliur it into the Corte.
    It is ordered, yt Thurston Rayner, as he hath hitherto done soe, shall continue to looke to & prserve the Corne of Mr. Olda, & shall inn the same in a seasonable tyme, & shall bringe an Accompt the next Cort what quantitie there is of it, as alsoe of his labor, & then the Corte will, out of the same, allott unto him soe many byshells as shall be reasonable for his paines & labor. And in the meane, if he hath use of some for his owne spendinge, to take some, wch shalbe then deducted out of what Wilbe due to him. And then the Corte will give finall order concerninge the same.
    Page 5
    A Corte held att Newe Towne, 8br 4to. 1636.
    Mr. Ludlowe, Mr. Phelps, Mr. Swaine, Mr. Westwoode, Mr. Steele, Mr. Warde.
    It is ordered, that a Warrant be directed to Daniell Finch to sumon Rich: Gildersleeue to appr the next Corte or other meetinge of the Comrs. to bringe in an Inventory of Mr. Oldames estate wch was sometyme in his handes, as alsoe to sumon any other to appr that hath in his handes or canne declare where any of th' estate of the saide Mr. Olda is yt is not as yet revealed.
    Page 5
    A Corte held att Newe Towne 10 November. 1636.
    Mr. Ludlowe, Mr. Phelps, Mr. Pyncheon, Mr. Westwoode, Mr. Swaine, Mr. Warde, Mr. Steele.
    It is ordered, that Srieant Seely shall, betweene this & the next Corte, consider of such noates & Inventories as haue come to his handes or knowledge concerninge the estate of Mr. Oldam, & then deliuer them into the Corte vppon oath, & in the meane to prduce any noate or Inventory to Mr. Swayne & Mr. Warde that he hath or cann come by yt may make for the furtherance of the discouery of the estate of the saide Mr. Olda, to th' end the Cort may then prceede in yt business as they shall see cause.
    Page 6
    A Corte at New Towne 27 Decr., 1636.
    Mr. Ludlowe, Mr. Westwoode, Mr. Swaine, Mr. Phelps, Mr. Steele, Mr. Warde.
    It is ordered yt Daniell Finch shall haue for sixe dayes imploymt about Mr. Oldames estate & a Corte, 13s.-6.
    Page 6
    It is ordered, that Mr. Clement Chaplin shall take into custody the goodes of Mr. Oldam, deceased, according to an Inventory in Corte, & in the Custody of Daniell Finch, & he the saide Mr. Chaplin is to be responsible for them. He may sell them or any of them.
    It is ordered yt all the Creditors of Mr. Olda in the River of Connectecott bring in their debts before the next Corte or E(1s) he shall not be deemed as a Creditor in the estate that is now extant.
    Page 43-44
    Febr. the 6th, 1639. A Prticular Court.
    Mr. Oldams Estate being examined, the account of it as it stands in this Jurisdiction is as followeth:
    Estate Mr. Oldam, deceased, is debtor:
    £ s d
    To Matthew Marvine, 1-06-08
    to Richard Lord, 5-05-00
    to Wm. Lewis, 9-12-03
    to Edward Mason, 3-03-00
    to Jeffrey Feris, 3-15-00
    to Henry Browning, 11-00-00
    to Thomas Stanton, 03-05-00
    to Thomas Scott, 00-18-00
    to Mr. Chapleyn, 146-18-00
    to Mr. Pincheon, 022-19-09
    to Andrew Warner, 009-19-00
    to Edwa. Stebbing. 002-13-04
    to Mr. Talcott, 021-06-03
    to Mr. Jno. Haynes, 002-00-00
    to Matthew Allen, 020-15-00
    to Lieftenant Seely, 010-13-00
    to Edward Hopkins & Mr. Matthew Craddocke, 229-00-00
    Pr contra Credit:
    £ s d
    By Lieftenant Seely, 28-15-02
    by Jno Chapman, 4-15-00
    by Rich. Lawes, 6-04-11
    by Mr. Chapleyne, 89-15-02
    by Thomas Allen, 6-16-06
    Jan. the 6th, 1640.
    Wm. Lewis abated out of his debt £2-16 wch he was to allow for a hogg he bought of Mr. Oldam.
    It was thought fit, and ordered, that the Accot be sent to the Bay and yf a just accot be also returned from thence in a reasonable tyme, an equal division may be made of the whole: yf not, the estate here shall be divided among the Creditors here.

The Anne and The Little James (1623)
The Anne and the Little James left England together, and arrived a week or so apart in Plymouth. Most of the passengers were probably on the Anne, as the Little James was smaller and carried mostly cargo.
Sailed: May(?) 1623 from an unspecified port in England under William Peirce (Master Anne), Emanuel Althan (Captain Little James), and John Bridges (Master Little James).
Arrived: 10 July 1623 (the Anne) and about 10 days later (the Little James) at Plymouth, Massachusetts
Previous Vessel: Weston's ships (Swan, Charity, Sparrow) (1622)
Next Vessel: Jonathan (1623)

~60 (Full List)
Families of earlier immigrants: Patience and Fear Brewster - Elizabeth (Walker) Warren and daughters - Hester (Mathieu) Cooke and her children - Bridget (Lee) Fuller - Margaret Hicks and her children - Wife and daughter of William Hilton - Frances Palmer - Joshua Pratt - Barbara Standish
Other Passengers: Anthony Annable (and family) - Edward Bangs - Robert Bartlett - Mary Bucket - William Bridges - Thomas Clark - Christopher Conant - Anthony Dix - John Faunce - George Morton (and family) - Godbert Godbertson (and family) - Timothy Hatherly - Edward Holman - John Jenney (and family) - Manasseh Kempton - Experience Mitchell - George Morton (and family) - Ellen Newton - Oldham, John, his wife and sister - Christian Penn - Abraham Pierce - Nicholas Snow - Alice (Carpenter) Southworth - Francis Sprague - Stephen Tracy, wife, and daughter - Ralph Wallen

Resources: Primary Sources: Bradford's History of Plymouth Plantation - Mourt's Relation - Pilgrim Hall (wills and other contemporary documents)