Person:Gaston III of Béarn (1)

Gaston III of Béarn
d.Bef 1045
  1. Gaston III of Béarn - Bef 1045
  1. Centule V of Béarn - 1090
Facts and Events
Name Gaston III of Béarn
Gender Male
Marriage to Adalais of Gascony
Death[1] Bef 1045
Reference Number? Q654673?

the text in this section is copied from an article in Wikipedia

Gaston III (died on or before 1045) was the Viscount of Béarn in association with his father Centule IV. His mother was Angela of Oloron. Despite the fact that he predeceased his father, Pierre de Marca proposed the hypothesis that he was associated with his father in the seventeenth century. Because he appears in the chronicles with an ordinal, this hypothesis is generally accepted by historians today.

Around 1030, he married the important Gascon lady Adalais (sister of the future duke of Gascony and the viscount of Lomagne), with whom he had three children:

  • Centule V, who succeeded Centule IV
  • Oliva
  • Reina
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  1. Gaston III of Béarn, in Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia.