Person:Frederick Augustus II, Grand Duke of Oldenburg (1)

Frederick Augustus II _____, Grand Duke of Oldenburg
b.16 Nov 1852 Oldenburg, Germany
  1. Frederick Augustus II _____, Grand Duke of Oldenburg1852 - 1931
  1. Nikolaus _____, Hereditary Grand Duke of Oldenburg1897 - 1970
  2. Duchess Altburg of Oldenburg1903 - 2001
  1. Duchess Sophia Charlotte of Oldenburg1879 - 1964
Facts and Events
Name Frederick Augustus II _____, Grand Duke of Oldenburg
Gender Male
Birth[1] 16 Nov 1852 Oldenburg, Germany
Marriage to Duchess Elisabeth Alexandrine of Mecklenburg-Schwerin
Marriage to Princess Elisabeth Anna of Prussia
Death[1] 24 Feb 1931 Rastede, Weser-Ems, Niedersachsen, Germany
Reference Number? Q62129?

the text in this section is copied from an article in Wikipedia

Frederick Augustus II (16 November 1852 in Oldenburg – 24 February 1931 in Rastede) was the last ruling Grand Duke of Oldenburg. He married Princess Elisabeth Anna of Prussia, daughter of Princess Maria Anna of Anhalt-Dessau and Prince Frederick Charles of Prussia. After her death, he married Elisabeth Alexandrine of Mecklenburg-Schwerin.

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  1. 1.0 1.1 Frederick Augustus II, Grand Duke of Oldenburg, in Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia.