MySource:Vangale/Clarence Almon Torrey and Charles Harvey Roe, David Roe of Flushing, New York and some of his descendants (unknown:unknown, 1958)

MySource Clarence Almon Torrey and Charles Harvey Roe, David Roe of Flushing, New York and some of his descendants (unknown:unknown, 1958)
Abreviation Roe
Year range -
Clarence Almon Torrey and Charles Harvey Roe, David Roe of Flushing, New York and some of his descendants (unknown:unknown, 1958).

Short version of source: David Roe of Flushing, New York and some of his descendants

Bibliography version of source: Clarence Almon Torrey and Charles Harvey Roe. David Roe of Flushing, New York and some of his descendants, 1958.