Image:Mimi's Birth 1909 Aust Agder, Dypvåg in Dypvåg, Parish register copy 1901-1922 Birth and baptism records 1909, page 53..pdf

Image Information
Dypvåg, Aust-Agder, Norway
Edith Marjory Evanson1909 - 1984
Nels Evanson and Signe Johnson (1)

Norwegian Birth/Christening Record: Entry #13, born as Edith Sophie Evanson on 9 Feb 1909 in Aust-Agder county, Dypvåg in Dypvåg, Parish register copy nr. B 14 (1901-1922), Birth and baptism records 1909, page 53. Father is Nils Evensen (born 1884) and Mother is Signe Helene (born 1883). God Parents/Wittnesses: Ingeborg Samuelsen of Rota, Agnes Evensen of Rota, ??? Torjus Johnsen of Gjeving, ??? Henrick Johnsen of Gjeving, and ??? Andreas Samuelsen of Rota. Notes in the right margin say that this was a home Christening on the 9th of March by Lars Nicolai Løvdal in present of the parents and Stina(Steivor) Landsverk. The Christening was comfrimed in the Church the 11 Jul 1909.

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