Family talk:George Skinner (1)



Is a wife supposed to be attached to George Skinner on this family page? If so, I can help--just let me know who his wife is and I can help you get her linked to him on this family page. Thanks for using WeRelate!

--Kittydoc 06:33, 20 April 2007 (MDT)

Amy, you can simply go to the George Skinner (1) family page and use the green Delete button (and confirm it). Since you are the only one watching the page, deleting it is the simplest option.--Kittydoc 08:27, 20 April 2007 (MDT)

Thanks! I would swear that there wasn't a Delete button there earlier. Maybe I was on the wrong page --Ajcrow 08:30, 20 April 2007 (MDT)