Family:Daniel Hathaway and Myrtle Bowen (1)

Facts and Events
Marriage[1][2] 29 Apr 1903 Vernon County, Missouri


Hathaway Bowen Wedding Wedding Took Place at the Couple's New Home

    Dan Hathaway and Miss Myrtle Bowen of this city were married Wednesday evening.  The wedding occurred at the groom's residence on South Pine street, where the happy couple are now domiciled.  The groom had the residence all furnished and ready for his bride.  A Large number of friends were present and they brought a number of presents for the bride.  The ceremony was pronouced by Rev. G. D. Edwards.  Both the groom and birde are well known and are now receiving congratualtins from their many friends.
  1. Kafer, Sharon.
  2. Board.FBC.FBK.FTW.

    Date of Import: 14 May 2004