Alphabetized list of Early Settlers of Old Augusta

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Old Augusta

Early Settlers
Beverley Manor
Borden's Grant

……………………..The Tapestry
Families Old Chester OldAugusta Germanna
New River SWVP Cumberland Carolina Cradle
The Smokies Old Kentucky


In March of 2010 The Old Augusta Tapestry included approximately 170 person articles. in the Category:Early Settlers of Old Augusta This list has been updated (4 May 2013) to include additional person articles added to WeRelate. There are now over 4600 person articles. Links to these pages have been placed on a registry page, alphabetized by last name, as follows:
Register. Early Settlers of Old Augusta, A-L
Register. Early Settlers of Old Augusta, M-Z
Note that based on entries in Source:Chalkley's Chronicles there were probably about 6500 identifiable persons in the Old Augusta area between roughly 1730 and 1800. There were probably more persons than that in the area, but without good records for them, many are not "identifiable". Chalkley's is not an exhaustive source of information about the early settlers. As we exhaust the possibilities contained in Chalkley's other sources will be examined to see who else can be added. Ultimately, the goal is to identify everyone who can be identified as present in the area, and provide an article for them---even if it only notes that they were present. Doubtlessly, we will never know who some of these people were, where they came from, where they went, or what their fate might have been. We do what we can.