Transcript:Savage, James. Genealogical Dictionary of the First Settlers of New England/v3p244

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Volume 3, Page 244

bapt. 12 Feb. 1599, yet, no doubt, a relat. of that num. fam. perhaps br.
of the sec. Thomas, came in the Ann, 1623 with w. m. at Leyden, 23
July 1612, Julian, d. of Alexander Carpenter, and four or five ch.
counted with Experience Mitchell for 8 in the div. 1624. of lds. and d.
in June the same yr. leav. wid. Julian, wh. m. Manasseh Kempton, and
is thot. to have been sis. of Gov. Bradford, and d. 19 Feb. 1665, aged
81, beside ch. Nathaniel; Patience, wh. m. 1633, a felllow-passeng. John
Faunce, f. of the celebr. Elder; John, b. 1616; Sarah, 1618, m. 20 Dec.
1644, George Bonham; and Ephraim, bef. ment. By sagac. conject.
he is presum. to be the Editor of the valua. tract, usual. call. Mourt's
. See Dr. Young, Chron. of Pilgr. 113. Dr. Felt, Ann. of
Salem, I. 228, differs from Dr. Young, and speaks of Mourt as visiting
Naumkeag in 1621; but his addr. "to the reader" seems to imply of
necessity, that he had never visited our country, tho. he hoped to.
GEORGE, Plymouth, perhaps s. of the preced. at least, how the rec. of P.
that ment. d. Phebe, w. of George, 22 May 1663, can otherwise be
explain. I do not discov. and elucidat. must be wait. for. GEORGE,
Plymouth, s. perhaps eldest, of Ephraim of the same, m. 22 Dec. 1664,
Joanna Kempton, d. of Ephraim, was one of the first purch. of Dartmouth,
1652, tho. then an inf. if his f. prefers to have the right in his
name. He had Hannah, b. 27 Nov. 1668, if the Col. Rec. be right, wh.
is very improb. Manasseh, 3 Feb. 1669; Ephraim, 12 Apr. 1670;
Joanna, 27 June 1673; Ruth, 20 Dec. 1676: George, 8 July 1678;
Timothy, 12 Mar. 1682. JOHN, Plymouth, s. of the first George,
came with his f. by w. Lettice had John, b. 11 Dec. 1649, d. soon;
John, again, 21 Dec. 1650; Deborah; Mary; Martha, Hannah;
Esther; and Manasseh and Ephraim, tw. 7 June 1653; rep. 1662, rem.
to Middleborough, of wh. he was rep. 1672, and d. 3 Oct. 1673. His
wid. m. Andrew Ring, and d. 22 Feb 1691. He is, by Judge Davis,
reput. to be anc. of Gov. Marcus. JOHN, Boston, by w. Martha had
John b. 13 Jan. 1649. JOHN, Salem, petitnr. against imposts 1668.
NATHANIEL, Plymouth, eldest s. of George the first, b. in Eng. 1613,
came with his f. freem. 1635, and that yr. m. Lydia Cooper, had Remember,
b. 1637; Mercy; Lydia; Elizabeth 3 May 1652; Joanna, 9 Nov.
1654; and Hannah; beside Eliezer, and Nathaniel, wh. both d. in early
youth so that descend. in male line fail. He was secr. of the Col. from
1645 till he d. 29 June 1685. The first w. d. 23 Sept. 1673, and he m.
29 Apr. 1674, Ann, wid. of Richard Templar of Charlestown, wh. surv.
him, and d. at C. 26 Dec. 1690, aged 66. Remember m. 18 Nov. 1657,
Abraham Jackson; Mercy m. at the same time, Joseph Dunham, and d.
bef. her f.; Hannah m. 27 Nov. 1666, Benjamin Bosworth of Hull;
Lydia m. George Ellison; Joanna m. 7 Dec. 1670, Joseph Prince of