Source |
Savage, James. Genealogical Dictionary of the First Settlers of New England |
Surnames |
Abbot |
Places |
Andover, Essex, Massachusetts, United States Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts, United States Watertown, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States |
Year range |
1635 - 1728 |
He d. 22 Mar. 1689; and his wid. m. 1 Aug. foll. Henry Ingalls, outliv.
him, and d. 1728, aged 90. Sarah m. 19 Oct. 1682, John Faulkner;
Mary m. 13 May 1687, Stephen Barker; Hannah m. 16 Apr. 1695,
James Ingalls; and Lydia, m. 28 Nov. 1695, Henry Chandler. GEORGE,
Andover, s. of George the first of the same, m. 17 Apr. 1668, Dorcas,
eldest d. of Mark Graves of the same, had Sarah, b. 1679, d. soon;
Joseph, 7 Oct. 1680, d. young; ano. ch. Nathan, or Martha, 12 Feb.
1683, d. young; Hannah, 26 Feb. 1685; Daniel, 10 Jan. 1688; Elizabeth
25 July 1690; George, 22 Dec. 1692; Henry, 12 June 1696; and
Isaac, 4 Apr. 1699. GEORGE, Andover, eldest s. of George the sec. of
the same, and gr.s. of George of Rowley, m. 1689, Elizabeth Ballard, had
George, b. 17 July 1691; Uriah, 26 Nov. 1692; Jacob, 19 Mar. 1694;
Elizabeth 6 Nov. 1695; Sarah; and Hannah. His w. d. May 1706; and
he had sec. w. Hannah Easty. GEORGE, Norwalk, s. of George of the
same, by w. Hannah, it is said, had George, Samuel, Ebenezer, Benjamin,
Israel, Hannah, and Elizabeth. Success did not attend the diligent inq.
of Hall in find. dates for the ch. or whether the f. had not rem. from N.
JOHN, Hadley 1668, rem. early in the next yr. but no more is kn.
JOHN, Andover, eldest s. of George the first of the same, m. 17 Nov.
1673, Sarah, eldest d. of Richard Barker of the same, had John, b. 2
Nov. 1674; Joseph, 29 Dec. 1676; Stephen, 16 Mar. 1678; Sarah,
7 Dec. 1680; Ephraim, 15 Aug. 1682; Joshua, 16 June 1685; Mary,
2 Jan. 1687; Ebenezer, 27 Sept. 1689; and Priscilla, 7 July 1691;
was selectman, deac. and d. 19 Mar. 1721. His wid. d. 10 Feb. 1729.
JOHN, aged 16, and Mary, 16, came in the Hopewell, Capt. Bundocke,
from London, 1635; but whose ch. they were, is unkn. and prob.
not of any resid. in our country. JOHN, Saco, adm. an inhab. of
that town 12 June 1680, and ens. then chos. town clk. bef. wh. time the
planta. had been so much disturb. by Ind. war, that Folsom, in his valu.
Hist. 177, says, the rec. are lost. JOHN, Norwalk 1687, wheelwright,
s. of George of the same, by w. Ruth, it is said, had John, Esther, and
Mary. JOHN, Sudbury, s. of George the sec. of Andover, by w. Jemima
had Jemima, b. 10 Oct. 1699; John, 3 Oct. 1701; Sarah, 10 Sept. 1704;
Mary; and Hannah; rem. to Watertown, there was a millwright, and d.
24 Mar. 1718. His wid. m. John Beeks. JOHN, Andover, s. of the first
Thomas of the same, m. Apr. 1710, Hannah Chubb, perhaps d. of Pascoe
of the same, had Hannah; Sarah, b. Mar. 1712, d. young; Mary,
1716, d. young; John, Feb. 1718; Sarah, 16 Aug. 1722; Mary, again,
23 Nov. 1727; and his w. d. 3 June 1733. He m. 1734, sec. w. Hepzibah
Frye. JONATHAN, Norwalk, s. of George of the same, m. 5 June
1696, Sarah, d. of John Olmstead, had Jonathan, b. C Apr. 1697; Sarah,
16 June 1699; Eunice, 23 Jan. 1702; Mary, 8 July 1704; Deborah,