Person:Stephen Barker (1)

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m. Bef 1644
  1. Deacon John BarkerEst 1644 - 1721/22
  2. William BarkerAbt 1645 - 1718
  3. Sarah BarkerAbt 1646 - 1728/29
  4. Esther Barker1649 - 1713
  5. Ebenezer Barker1651 - 1747
  6. Richard Barker1654 - 1729
  7. Hannah Barker1656 - 1687
  8. Lieutenant Stephen Barker1659 - 1741
  9. Lieutenant Benjamin Barker1663 - 1750
  • HLieutenant Stephen Barker1659 - 1741
  • WMary Abbott1664/65 -
m. 13 May 1687
  1. Stephen Barker1688 - 1750
  2. Zebediah Barker1689/90 -
  3. Nehemiah Barker1691/92 -
  4. Lydia Barker1693/94 -
  5. Mary Barker1696 - 1704
  6. James Barker1700 - 1740
  7. Mary Barker, 2nd1704 - 1725
  8. Timothy BarkerAbt 1707 - 1707
  9. Ebenezer Barker1709/10 - 1771
Facts and Events
Name[2] Lieutenant Stephen Barker
Gender Male
Birth[1][2] 6 Jul 1659 Andover, Essex, Massachusetts, United States
Marriage 13 May 1687 Andover, Essex, Massachusetts, United Statesto Mary Abbott
Death[1][2] 21 May 1741 Andover, Essex, Massachusetts, United States
  1. 1.0 1.1 Abbott, Lemuel Abijah. Descendants of George Abbott, of Rowley, Mass., of his joint descendants with George Abbot, Sr., of Andover, Mass: of the descendants of Daniel Abbott, of Providence, R.I.; of some of the descendants of Capt. Thomas Abbott, of Andover, Mass.; of George Abbott, of Norwalk, Ct.; of Robert Abbott, of Branford, Ct.; with brief notes of many others of the name, original settlers in the United States. (Boston: T. R. Marvin & Sons, 1906)
    Vol 1, pg 20.

    Lt. Stephen2 Barker, b. June 26, 1688; d. in Methuen, Aug. 7, 1750; m. Mary ---; resd. in Andover, Chelmsford and Methuen; cordwainer and yeoman.

  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Stephen (2) Barker and wife, Mary Abbott, of Methuen, in Abbott, Charlotte Helen. Early Records of the Barker Family of Andover
    p 2 & 6.