Source Page Review by Subject: Biography


For an overview of reviewing source pages, see Source Page Review Guide.

Subject: Biography

Level of Complexity = Low to Medium

Reviewing biography sources is generally fairly straightforward. Sources categorized as Subject: Biography include autobiographies, biographies, collections of short biographies, and diaries and journals in some cases.

Some areas to consider:

  • Biographical collections (i.e. "Famous People of Somewhere") tend to be regional in scope. Review the places covered for accuracy.
  • Many biography sources are out of copyright and alternative repositories can be found online.
  • Some sources will be classed in error as biographies; consider whether the source should instead be a Family Tree/History subject or an Obituaries subject. These can be gray areas; it may be that adding categories to the text box is a better way to handle other subject groupings that the source should be a part of.
  • There aren't any biography-specific categories [that I'm aware of], so there often are no categories to add to these pages.
  • When I review smaller, localized biography collections, I sometimes include a list of the persons covered (from the table of contents) in the text box. This allows sources to show up in the results if a keyword search is used. See example links.

Biography Source Examples

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