Place:Raasiku, Harju, Estonia


Alt namesRaasiku Commune
Located inHarju, Estonia

the text in this section is copied from an article in Wikipedia

Raasiku Parish in Harju County is located in the south-eastern direction from the city of Tallinn. The main road leading through the parish is Jüri - Aruküla - Raasiku - Jägala road. The Tallinn - Tapa Railway goes through the northern border of the parish.

As for neighbouring administrative divisions, the parish is surrounded by Jõelähtme in the north, by Anija in the east, by Kose in the south and by Rae parish in the west.

'2 small towns:' Aruküla, Raasiku

'13 villages:' Härma, Igavere, Järsi, Kalesi, Kiviloo, Kulli, Kurgla, Mallavere, Peningi, Perila, Pikavere, Rätla, Tõhelgi.

Population as of 01.01.2019 Population as of 01.01.2020 Population as of 01.01.2021 Area (km2) Density
Aruküla 2105 2115 2140 3.5 611
Härma 118 119 116 6.95 17
Igavere 165 166 166 19.79 8
Järsi 223 217 222 10.54 21
Kalesi 233 239 250 9.42 27
Kiviloo 57 56 53 15.97 3
Kulli 140 150 155 13.88 11
Kurgla 110 116 136 11.93 11
Mallavere 54 57 66 16.33 4
Peningi 170 186 176 4.67 38
Perila 110 105 109 15.86 7
Pikavere 70 68 67 9.05 7
Raasiku 1364 1372 1405 3.1 453
Rätla 53 50 48 7.59 6
Tõhelgi 42 47 43 9.56 4
Total 5065 5073 5161 158.86 32

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This page uses content from the English Wikipedia. The original content was at Raasiku Commune. The list of authors can be seen in the page history. As with WeRelate, the content of Wikipedia is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.