Place:Kose, Harju, Estonia


Alt namesKose Commune
Located inHarju, Estonia

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Kose Parish is a rural municipality in northern Estonia. It is a part of Harju County. The municipality has a population of 5,737 (as of 1 January 2004) and covers an area of . The population density is 24.2 inhabitants per km2.

In October 2013, neighbouring Kõue Parish was merged with Kose Parish.

Administrative centre of the Municipalities is the small borough of Kose. There are total of 5 small boroughs (Ardu, Habaja, Kose, Kose-Uuemõisa and Ravila) and 58 villages in Kose Parish: Aela, Ahisilla, Äksi, Alansi, Harmi, Kadja, Kanavere, Kantküla, Karla, Kata, Katsina, Kirivalla, Kiruvere, Kolu, Kõrvenurga, Kõue, Krei, Kuivajõe, Kukepala, Laane, Leistu, Liiva, Lööra, Lutsu, Marguse, Nõmbra, Nõmmeri, Nõrava, Nutu, Ojasoo, Oru, Pala, Palvere, Paunaste, Paunküla, Puusepa, Rava, Raveliku, Riidamäe, Rõõsa, Saarnakõrve, Sääsküla, Sae, Saula, Sõmeru, Silmsi, Tade, Tammiku, Triigi, Tuhala, Uueveski, Vahetüki, Vanamõisa, Vardja, Vilama, Virla, Viskla and Võlle.

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