Place:Jõelähtme, Harju, Estonia


Alt namesJõelähtme Commune
Coordinates59.45°N 25.133°E
Located inHarju, Estonia

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Jõelähtme Parish is a rural municipality in Harju County, north-western Estonia. It had a population of 5,351 (as of 1 January 2012) and an area of , the population density is

The administrative centre of Jõelähtme Parish is Jõelähtme village. It is located 20 km east from the centre of Estonia's capital, Tallinn.


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Established in 1816.

During World War II, 6,000 Jews and Roma were murdered by Estonian Nazi collaborators under German supervision. Mass executions were carried out on sand dunes called Kalevi-Liiva where a memorial has been erected.

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