Place:Marble Cliff, Franklin, Ohio, United States

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NameMarble Cliff
Coordinates39.985°N 83.06°W
Located inFranklin, Ohio, United States
source: Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names

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Marble Cliff is a village in Franklin County, Ohio, United States. The population was 634 at the 2020 census.

Marble Cliff was one of the first suburbs of Columbus, Ohio, settled as a community in 1890 and incorporated as the "Hamlet of Marble Cliff" in 1901. It took its name from the Marble Cliff Quarry Co. (still in use today), and at this time stretched all the way from the Scioto River to the Olentangy River. In 1902, it detached all land but its present area, and the area that separated became Grandview Heights in 1906. The village was named "Arlington" for a short time, which led its new neighbor to the north, incorporated in 1918, to name itself Upper Arlington. Marble Cliff is bordered by the cities of Upper Arlington, Grandview Heights, and Columbus.

Most of the village's public services are provided by contract with Grandview Heights, including police and fire, and it is included in the Grandview Heights School District and public library system.

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