Place:Geislingen an der Steige, Göppingen, Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, Germany


NameGeislingen an der Steige
Coordinates48.6°N 9.8°E
Located inGöppingen, Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Contained Places
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Geislingen an der Steige is surrounded by the heights of the Swabian Alb and embedded in 5 beautiful valleys. It is a town in the district of Göppingen in Baden-Württemberg in southern Germany. The name relates to its location "on the climb" (an der steige) of a trade route over the Swabian Jura mountain range. It is in the southeast of the Stuttgart region about 50 km of Stuttgart and 27 km of Ulm. It is the second largest city in the district of Göppingen. The city is characterized by a grown industry and attractive surroundings of the Swabian Albtrauf adventure region - this creates a positive environment for regionally and internationally oriented companies. Geislingen's economic significance lies above all in the steel and metal goods processing and automotive supply sectors.

Geislingen is also a city of students. The University of Applied Sciences for Economy and Environment is known far beyond the borders with best rankings.A medieval town with alemannic half-timbered houses testifies to a long history, which can also be seen during a walk through the town.

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