Person:William Pearce (11)

William Pearce
Facts and Events
Name William Pearce
Gender Male

No Evidence this Person Existed

The source for this person is the Pearce Genealogy by Frederick Clifton Pierce[1], which Robert Charles Anderson describes as "one of his usual confused productions". There are no primary sources to support his existence. See page Person:Richard Pearce (6) for more information.

This lineage is being kept on WeRelate to forestall future incorrect linking of Richard Pierce to Sir Ralph Percy. No changes should be made to this lineage without new evidence published in a peer-reviewed journal or post-2000 edited book showing primary sources.

  1. Pierce, Frederick Clifton. Pearce genealogy: being the record of the posterity of Richard Pearce, an early inhabitant of Portsmouth, in Rhode Island, who came from England, and whose genealogy is traced back to 972. (Rockford, Illinois: unknown, 1888).

    Children of Richard20 Pearce and his wife Martha of Bristol, England:
    i. Richard21, b. 1615; m. Susannah Wright,
    ii. John21, b. ----; m. Mary -----, and Mrs. Rebecca Wheeler.
    iii. Samuel
    iv. Hannah
    v. Martha
    vi. Sarah
    vii. William
    viii. Mary

    Note: The lineage from Ralph Percy to Richard Pearce presented in this book without the support of primary sources is considered to be without substance, as there is no evidence for Peter Percy (supposed great-grandfather of Richard Pearce20).

    The children Richard21 and John21 existed but the origin of neither is known and there is no evidence that they were related to each other. There is no evidence for the remaining children, either.