Person:William Hodgson (4)

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William Bantock Hodgson
m. 18 Jul 1805
  1. Jane Hodgson1806 -
  2. John Hodgson1808 -
  3. William Bantock Hodgson1810 -
  4. George Hodgson1812 - 1815
  5. Eliza Hodgson1817 -
m. 17 Dec 1837
  1. _____ Hodgson1838 -
  2. William Ffrench Hodgson1840 -
  3. Louisa Emma Baylis Hodgson1841 - 1935
  4. Henrietta Maria Hodgson1844 -
  5. Ann Frances Hodgson1846 -
Facts and Events
Name William Bantock Hodgson
Gender Male
Birth? 11 Apr 1810 Southwark St. George the Martyr, Surrey, England122, Blackman Street
Marriage 17 Dec 1837 Newington, Surrey, Englandto Louisa Baylis

1 NOTE !Church: Church of England. !Records: Birth - 122, Blackman Street, Parish of St. George the Martyr, Southark. Past 8 p.m. Christening - the godparents were David (or Daniel) Bantock, John Bantock (by proxy), W. Bantock and Mary Hodgson. !Medical: Innoculations - Smallpox and measles. !Occupation: Grocer.