Person:Jane Hodgson (1)

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Jane Hodgson
m. 18 Jul 1805
  1. Jane Hodgson1806 -
  2. John Hodgson1808 -
  3. William Bantock Hodgson1810 -
  4. George Hodgson1812 - 1815
  5. Eliza Hodgson1817 -
m. 15 Dec 1827
Facts and Events
Name Jane Hodgson
Gender Female
Birth? 12 Sep 1806 Southwark, Surrey, England53, Great Surrey Street, Blackfriars Road
Marriage 15 Dec 1827 Southwark, Surrey, Englandto Cornelius Carter

1 NOTE ! Born: 53, Gt. Surrey St., Blackfriars Rd., 6.45 a.m. ! Godparents: Mr. & Mrs Hodgson, Snr., Mrs. Bantock. ! Innoculations: Smallpox, chickenpox, measles. ! Marriage: Given away by her uncle, Mr. Edward Mee of Rayleigh,Essex.