Person:Solomon Joseph (2)

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Solomon 'Solly' Joseph
b.23 Sep 1890 Germany
m. Bef 1890
  1. Solomon 'Solly' Joseph1890 - 1934
  2. Leo Joseph1891 -
  3. Ferdinand Joseph1892 -
  4. Ella Joseph1894 -
  5. Isidore Joseph1897 - 1971
  6. Rosel Rachel 'Rosa' Joseph1899 - 1967
  7. Martha Joseph1903 -
  8. Max Joseph1905 - 1942
  • HSolomon 'Solly' Joseph1890 - 1934
  • WIrma Gershon1894 - Bef 1925
m. Bef 1921
  1. Ruth Joseph1921 - 1942
m. Bef 1925
  1. Heinz Roger Joseph1925 - 2002
Facts and Events
Name Solomon 'Solly' Joseph
Gender Male
Birth[1][2] 23 Sep 1890 Germany
Marriage Bef 1921 to Irma Gershon
Marriage Bef 1925 to Gertrude Hayum
Death[1] 1934
  1. 1.0 1.1 .

    ................................ 5 Solly Joseph 1890 - 1934

    .................................... +Irma Gershon 1894 - Unknown

    ........................................ 6 Ruth Joseph 1921 - 1943

  2. Public Member Trees: (Note: not considered a reliable primary source).