Person:Sarah Van Bunschoten (5)

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m. 23 Aug 1775
  1. Jemima Van Bunschoten1776 - 1828
  2. Henry Van Benschoten1778 - 1832
  3. Elias T. Van Bunschoten1783 - 1869
  4. Sarah Van Bunschoten1786 - 1803
Facts and Events
Name Sarah Van Bunschoten
Gender Female
Birth[1] 8 Jan 1786 Dutchess, New York, United States
Christening[2] 26 Feb 1786 New Hackensack, Dutchess, New York, United States
Death[1] 5 Sep 1803 Hyde Park, Dutchess, New York, United States

The Van Bunschoten book says:

"She was to have married John Greene, brother to Oliver who married Jemima. He came up from New York to his home near Hyde Park with an illness that proved to be yellow fever and she nursed him. He died; she caught the fever from him and also died, and they lie side by side in Hyde Park church-yard."

However, the closest graves in that church-yard are John Green and Elizabeth Van Benschoten, but the former lists the death on 12 Sept 1803, though the narative above indicates that he died first. The name of the second one is clearly different, but the age matches, and the death is close. Perhaps Sarah's grave is not listed yet, and that Elizabeth was someone else who died of the same disease, or perhaps, the book got the name and date mixed up. More research is needed.

  1. 1.0 1.1 192, in Van Benschoten, William Henry. Concerning the Van Bunschoten or Van Benschoten family in America: A Genealogy and Brief History. (Poughkeepsie, NY: A. V. Haight Co. Printers, 1907)
    p. 128.
  2. New York, United States. New York Births and Christenings, 1640-1962. (FamilySearch Record Search).

    FamilySearch ( : accessed 28 January 2015), Sarah Van Bunschoten, 08 Jan 1786; citing , reference ; FHL microfilm 974.733 B4D V.5.