Person:Princess Augusta of Hesse-Cassel (1)

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Princess Augusta of Hesse-Cassel
b.25 Jul 1797
d.6 Apr 1889
Facts and Events
Name Princess Augusta of Hesse-Cassel
Gender Female
Birth[1] 25 Jul 1797
Marriage to Prince Adolphus _____, Duke of Cambridge
Death[1] 6 Apr 1889
Reference Number? Q62068

the text in this section is copied from an article in Wikipedia

Princess Augusta of Hesse-Kassel (Augusta Wilhelmina Louisa; 25 July 1797 – 6 April 1889) was the wife of Prince Adolphus, Duke of Cambridge, the tenth-born child, and seventh son, of George III of the United Kingdom and Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz. The longest-lived daughter-in-law of George III, she was the maternal grandmother of Mary of Teck, wife of George V.

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  1. 1.0 1.1 Princess Augusta of Hesse-Cassel, in Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia.