Person:Princess Caroline of Nassau-Usingen (1)

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Princess Caroline of Nassau-Usingen
b.4 Apr 1762
d.17 Aug 1823
Facts and Events
Name Princess Caroline of Nassau-Usingen
Gender Female
Birth[1] 4 Apr 1762
Marriage to Landgrave Frederick of Hesse-Cassel
Death[1] 17 Aug 1823
Reference Number? Q2756857

the text in this section is copied from an article in Wikipedia

Princess Caroline of Nassau-Usingen (; 4 April 176217 August 1823) was the elder daughter of Karl Wilhelm, Prince of Nassau-Usingen, and wife of Landgrave Frederick of Hesse-Kassel.

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  1. 1.0 1.1 Princess Caroline of Nassau-Usingen, in Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia.