Person:Nathan Abbott (3)

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Nathan Abbott
d.16 Jan 1742
m. 1730
  1. Nathan Abbott1731 - 1742
  2. Joel Abbott1732/33 -
Facts and Events
Name Nathan Abbott
Gender Male
Birth[1] 8 Mar 1731 Brookfield, Worcester, Massachusetts, United States
Death? 16 Jan 1742
  1. Abbott, Lemuel Abijah. Descendants of George Abbott, of Rowley, Mass., of his joint descendants with George Abbot, Sr., of Andover, Mass: of the descendants of Daniel Abbott, of Providence, R.I.; of some of the descendants of Capt. Thomas Abbott, of Andover, Mass.; of George Abbott, of Norwalk, Ct.; of Robert Abbott, of Branford, Ct.; with brief notes of many others of the name, original settlers in the United States. (Boston: T. R. Marvin & Sons, 1906)
    Vol 1, pg 87.