Person:Joel Abbott (3)

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m. 1730
  1. Nathan Abbott1731 - 1742
  2. Joel Abbott1732/33 -
Facts and Events
Name Joel Abbott
Gender Male
Birth[1] 1 Jan 1732/33 Brookfield, Worcester, Massachusetts, United States
  1. Abbott, Lemuel Abijah. Descendants of George Abbott, of Rowley, Mass., of his joint descendants with George Abbot, Sr., of Andover, Mass: of the descendants of Daniel Abbott, of Providence, R.I.; of some of the descendants of Capt. Thomas Abbott, of Andover, Mass.; of George Abbott, of Norwalk, Ct.; of Robert Abbott, of Branford, Ct.; with brief notes of many others of the name, original settlers in the United States. (Boston: T. R. Marvin & Sons, 1906)
    Vol 1, pg 87.