Person:Mary Chandler (8)

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m. 28 Nov 1695
  1. Henry Chandler1696 -
  2. Captain Samuel Chandler1698 - 1761
  3. Lydia Chandler1699 -
  4. Nehemiah Chandler1703 - 1756
  5. Hannah Chandler1711/12 - 1756
  6. Mary Chandler1712/13 - 1789
  7. Isaac Chandler1718 - 1787
  8. Mehitabel Chandler1720 -
m. 22 Dec 1736
  1. Martha Pease1737 -
  2. Mary Pease1737 -
  3. Timothy Pease1738 -
  4. Mary Pease1739/40 -
  5. Martha Pease1741 -
  6. Deborah Pease1742 -
  7. Mehitabel Pease1743 -
  8. Edward Pease1744 -
  9. James Pease1746 -
  10. Abigail Pease1747 -
  11. Lydia Pease1749 -
  12. Dorcas Pease1750/51 -
  13. Mindwell Pease1753 -
  14. Hepzibah Pease1755 -
  15. Beulah Pease1758 -
Facts and Events
Name Mary Chandler
Gender Female
Birth[1] 14 Mar 1712/13 Andover, Essex, Massachusetts, United States
Marriage 22 Dec 1736 Enfield,Hartford,Connecticutto Timothy Pease
Death? 13 Nov 1789 Enfield, Hartford, Connecticut, United States
  1. Andover, Essex, Massachusetts, United States. Vital Records of Andover, Massachusetts, to the End of the Year 1849. (Topsfield, Massachusetts: Topsfield Historical Society, 1912)

    CHANDLER, Mary, d. Henery and Lydia, [born] Mar. 14, 1712-[13].