Person:Louis VI the Roman (1)

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Louis VI the Roman _____
b.7 May 1328
d.17 May 1365
Facts and Events
Name Louis VI the Roman _____
Alt Name Ludwig VI Duke of Bavaria, VI
Gender Male
Birth[1] 7 May 1328
Alt Birth? 15 May 1328 ,Rome,Rome,Italy
Marriage to Cunigunde of Poland
Marriage Feb 1360 to Ingeburg _____, Princess of Mecklenburg
Death[1] 17 May 1365
Alt Death? 25 May 1365
Reference Number? Q60831

the text in this section is copied from an article in Wikipedia

Louis the Roman (7 May 1328 – 17 May 1365) was the eldest son of Holy Roman Emperor, Louis IV the Bavarian, by his second wife, Margaret II, Countess of Hainaut, and a member of the House of Wittelsbach. Louis was Duke of Upper Bavaria as Louis VI (1347–1365) and Margrave of Brandenburg (1351–1365) as Louis II. As of 1356, he also served as Prince-Elector of Brandenburg.

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  1. 1.0 1.1 Louis VI the Roman, in Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia.