Henry (Phillips), Dedham, freem. 13 Mar. 1639, ar. co. 1640, had w. Eliz. [Mary, per published Dedham vital records, p. 126] Brock, wh. d. 1 Aug. 1640, and m. 1 May 1641, Ann Hunting, prob. sis. of Elder John, had Eleazur, b. 30 Jan. bapt. 6 Feb. 1642, d. in few days; Hannah, 25, bapt. 28 May 1643; Abigail, 20 Oct. 1645; and by third w. Mary, d. of John Dwight, had Nathaniel, bapt. 3 Apr. 1653, d. bef. his f.; and Eleazur, 8 Oct. 1654; was ens. of the Milit. comp. 1648; rem. to Boston to follow his trade of a butcher; there had Henry, b. 1, bapt. 26 Oct. 1656, d. bef. his f.; Timothy, 15, bapt. 19 Sept. 1658; Mary, 28 Nov. bapt. 2 Dec. 1660; Samuel, bapt. 2 Nov. 1662; Elisha, 12, bapt. 15 May 1665; Jonathan, 12 Sept. 1666, bapt. uncert. day; Mehitable, bapt. 21 July 1667; John, 22, bapt. 24 Jan. 1669, d. soon; John, again, 9, bapt. 10 July 1670; and Eliz. 9. bapt. 18 Aug. 1672. In this yr. he was made deac. of the first ch. and rep. for Hadley. Judge Sewall, in his diary, chronicles his bur. 3 Feb. 1686. His will of 7 Aug. 1682, with codic. 4 Dec. 1685, pro. 18 Feb. foll. disposes of good est. names w. s. Eleazer, Timothy, Samuel, and John, direct. this last for college, ds. Hannah Negus, Abigail East, Mehitable, and Eliz. also notices Henry and Nathaniel as dec. so that prob. both had reach. mature yrs. A Mary P. wh. may have been his mo. or ch. d. 2 July 1640. He was much esteemed; and his youngest s. John might have made good the place of Christian min. (that his f. was desir. to undertake, as Farmer tells), had he obt. the educat. intend. but prob. he d. early. Elizabeth m. a Ruggles.