Person:Helena Unknown (8)

Saint Helena _____
b.Bet abt 246 and abt 250 Drepanum (Helenopolis), Bithynia
d.18 Aug 330 Nicomedia, Bithynia
Facts and Events
Name Saint Helena _____
Gender Female
Birth[1] Bet abt 246 and abt 250 Drepanum (Helenopolis), Bithynia
Marriage 265 to Constantius I _____, Emperor of Rome
Death[1] 18 Aug 330 Nicomedia, Bithynia
Burial? Rome, Italy (remains now in Vacitan)
Reference Number? Q170164?

the text in this section is copied from an article in Wikipedia

Helena, Helena Augusta, or Saint Helena (; , Helénē; 246/248 AD – c. 330) was an Empress of the Roman Empire and mother of Roman emperor Constantine the Great. She was born in the lower classes traditionally in the Greek city of Drepanon, Bithynia, in Asia Minor, which was renamed Helenopolis in her honor, though several locations have been proposed for her birthplace and origin.

Helena ranks as an important figure in the history of Christianity. In her final years, she made a religious tour of Syria Palaestina and Jerusalem, during which ancient tradition claims that she discovered the True Cross. The Eastern Orthodox Church, Catholic Church, Oriental Orthodox Churches, and Anglican Communion revere her as a saint, and the Lutheran Church commemorates her.

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  1. 1.0 1.1 Helena (Empress), in Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia.