PRICE'S CORNER - Death has removed an old settler in the person of Mr. F. Hitzner who died at the Orillia Hospital, on August 14th. Mr. Hitzner was born at Hamburg-on-the-Rhine, Germany, in 1836. He emigrated to Buffalo, U.S., when he was 18 years of age, remaining one year; afterwards removing to Mara, where he married Miss Mary Flynn, of Oshawa, in 1860. Afterwards he settled on a farm in the 10th Concession of Mara where he lived until 18 years ago, when he removed to this place.He was an upright, honest man, repsected by all who had the pleasure of his acquaintance. He leaves a widow, four sons and three daughters. The sons are WIlliam and Frank, of Mara; John of Seattle, and Joseph, who is in the Yukon Territory. The daughters are Mrs. Quinlan, of Pickering; Mrs. Thomas Welsh, and Mrs. F. Lawlor, of Medonte. The funeral, from the family residence, on Monday was largely attended. The pallbearers were, Thos Welsh, Jas. Welsh, F. Lawlor, P. Lawlor, Jno. Lawlor, and Jas. Joyce.