Person:Dennis Driskell (1)

Dennis Driskell, Sr.
m. Bet est 1686 and 1691
  1. Hannah Holder
  2. Richard Driskell - Aft 1749
  3. Dennis Driskill, Jr - Aft 1740
  4. James Driskill
  5. Moses Driskill, Sr1689 - 1755
  6. William Driskill1690/91 - Bef 1721
m. Bef 1720
Facts and Events
Name Dennis Driskell, Sr.
Unknown Denes Driskaol
Gender Male
Birth? Est 1660 Kinsale,Cork,Ireland
Marriage Bet est 1686 and 1691 Somerset Co., MDto Honorah Unknown (3)
Marriage to Hannah Unknown
Marriage Bef 1720 Somerset, Maryland, United Statesto Winifred Unknown
Will[1] 27 Jan 1720/21 Somerset, Maryland, United States
Death[1] 1721 Somerset, Maryland, United States
Probate[1] 9 Nov 1721

Dennis, Jr.; James; Moses; Richard; William; Hannah; and Edward

The O Driscolls have, for over 1,500 years, been anchored in the ancient district of Corcu Lóegde, now known as

Carbery, in West Cork, Ireland. They can boast of their connection to the early Christian pilgrim, Saint Ciarán, born in

Cape Clear Island, who became the patron saint not alone of Ossory, but also of Cornwall.

They were merchants, journalists, authors, poets, educationalists, religious and legal figures. The O Driscoll Diaspora

section deals with their contribution to the armed forces, religious, economic, medical, cultural and political life of many


The book (The Stolen Village, Baltimore and the Barbary Pirates, by Des Ekin) deals with the interlude of the Algerine slave-raid on Baltimore in 1631, which inspired the well-known poem

of Thomas Davis �The Sack of Baltimore�. Also treated is, the tantalizing mystery of who today should be called �The O

Driscoll�, the hereditary chieftain of the clan. Today, there is a new spirit among O Driscolls worldwide which owes

much to the Annual O Driscoll Clan Gathering, which takes place in June each year at Baltimore and the islands.


He is listed on with 8 children. This line is fairly well researched should not be a problem finding

information on this family. His father is WIlliam there is no proof I don't think that this is the father although evidence

seems to point that it is. William's father is Florence and he is the first known 'Driskell' that came to the new land.

Wiliam and Florence are both from County Cork, Ireland. No other information is known

Dennis Driskell (Denes Driskaol) was born in or around Kinsale, County Cork,*Ireland in ca 1660. He died at the age

of 61 years. It is believed he is the 8th generation son to the notorious Finean, pirate of County Cork.**Came to

America around 1680, settling in Somerset County, Maryland.*He accumulated many acres then he named his

plantations,"Kingsail Cork", "Dennis Addition" and "Brushy Neck", approximately 850 acres in Deed Book "L" on 5/12/

1692. Denis bought 50 acres of land, which was an island, from John and Elizabeth Winsor at a cost of 4,000 pounds of

tobacco in the mid to late 1680s so he had to have been in Maryland long enough to grow the tobacco to have it to sell.

    • According to information reserached by The Rev. Carl Ashley Driscoll, Dennis's name was spelled Denes Driskaol

originally. According to Harry Edward Driscoll and Clark Driscoll (of Lafeyette, IN), he left the Roman Catholic church

as a member of (or as one studying for) the priesthood. This Clark Driscoll (or one 'l')*corroberates Ed (H. E.) Driscoll's

story, and gives credence to the lineage he and his wife worked out and shared with Carl.*8/17/98 - From Jeannine

Eiesland, niece of John Weeks, in an email to Marie*Driskell: "He [her Uncle] has admitted to having no

documentation as has his source, Mrs. Clark Dirscoll." In an email from Jeannine dated 8/11/98 she states:*"I have

corresponded with Clark Driscoll's wife, Mary, who has told me there is no actual documentation for their history. My

Uncle has admitted to having his information from Clark and the stories he heard from his grandmothers while doing

genealogy research papers in college. In other words, the story {her*genealogy} is accurate only as far as my GG

Grandparents, John and Eleanor."**Dennis Driskell left a Will in Somerset County, MD (dated 17 Jan 1721). *His

name was spelled Driskael (ol) and here are items:*To son Denis and hrs., 100 A. "Addition," adj. "Kingsail."*To son

James and hrs., 200 A. "Cork."*To all sons, equally, 50 A. in Brushey Neck*To son Moses and dau. Hannah Holder,

personalty.*To wife _______, extx, 350 A dwelling plantation "Kingsail" during life; at her*decease to son Richard

and hrs.; shd. she marry, one-third interest*during life. Residue of personalty during life; at her decease to all*children,

equally. *Test: Peter Watson, Dorothy Watson, John Roach, Margaret Connor.*8/17/98: From *A Somerset Sampler*

by Pauline Batchelder, pp. 98-99:*"Driskill (Driskell, Driskall, Driskael) The Driskill family may have come from

Kinsale, County Cork, Ireland, since they owned tracts Kinsail and Cork in Somerset Co. Many of the family were

saddlers. William Driskill patented tract Kingsale in 1694.*Dennis Driskell (d. 1721), probably son or brother of

William Driskell,*is believed to have been a mariner; owned tracts Cork and Kingsail, among others, at the time of

death; earlier he had owned a small island, South Foreland,*on north side of mouth of Manokin R., which he sold to

Graves and Richard Jarrett; Dennis Driskell m. Hannah _____ and had issue: (1) Dennis, (2) James,*(3) Moses, 17 Sept

1689, (4) William, 15 Feb 1691, (5) William, 15 Feb 1691, (5) Richard, (6) Hannah, m. ____ Holder. Will of Denes

Driskael, 27 Jan 1720/*1-9 Nov 1721, Somerset Co. Wills, EB-9:82-83; Somerset Co. Deeds, IKL,*L-526."

--GaleB 08:36, 19 November 2007 (EST)Dennis first appears in Somerset Co., MD in the late 1680's. His son Moses was born in 1689, as recorded in the birth records of Stepney Parish. 1690-1691 Somerset court records show Dennis was charged with owing the county for not doing his part in repairing the roads. He was fined two days work and court charges. He was also brought into court for "fraternizing" with the servants of another man, though it is not clear what exactly he was doing other than talking. In June 1691 (vol. 191, pg. 28) he and Honor/Honorah his wife, formerly Mrs. Honorah Austin, widow of Anthony, were brought into court for a debt owed to John Richins by Anthony. Dennis and "Hony" were executors of the estate of Anthony Austin. This case was eventually dismissed. There are probably other mentions of the Driskells in Somerset Judiciary records but most of these records have not been transcribed, they currently sit in boxes at the Maryland Archives.

Liber L-1, pg. 30-31, of Somerset Co., MD land records show in May 1692, Dennis bought 50 acres of land, called South Foreland, being an island on the east side of the Chesapeake Bay and on the north side of the mouth of the Manokin river. Liber L-1, pg 526, shows he and his wife Hannah sold this land in Oct 1699.

The Rent Rolls of Somerset Co 1683-1723 show: 350 acres of Kingsaile was surveyed 29 April 1694 in Wicomico Hundred on the south side of Rokiawakin, for Dennis Driskill.

Following is his will:

Driskael, Denis Somerset Co., MD, 27th Jan., 1720/21 In the name of God Amen I Denis Driskaol of Somerset County being weak of body but of perfect memory thanks be to Almighty God for it but calling to mind the mortality of man do ordain consitutute and appoint this my last Will and Testament in manor and form as follows First I bequeath to Almighty God my immortal soul a he gave it to me in (certain?) hope of a ...?.. resurrection with my blessed savior Jesus Christ and my body to be buried in the Earth in decent manner as my Executor hereafter named shall see fit And as for such worldly Estate it has pleased God to bestow upon me I give and bequeath as followeth First I will that all my just debts be paid and in due time.

Item I give and bequeath to my well beloved wife three hundred and fifty acres of land called Kinsail whereon I now live for and during her natural life and after her decease to my son Richard Driskoal and his heirs for ever.

Item I give and bequeath to my son Denes Driskoal one hundred acres of land called Addition joining to the aforsd land to him the said Denes and to his heirs and assigns for ever.

Item I give and bequeath to my son James Driskoal two hundred acres of land called Cork to him the said James and his heirs for ever.

Item I give and bequeath fifty acres of land lying in Brushey Neck among all my sons...Each to have privilege alike to them and their heirs for ever.

Item I give to my son James Driskoal two pounds current money

Item I give to my son Moses Driskoal One bed and furniture lying at the SeaSide.

Item I give to my daughter Hannah Holder a Cow and Calf

Item My will is that if my well beloved wife do Inter marry that after her marriage she shall only possess and enjoy one third part of my land and plantation during her natural life.

Item I give and bequeat to well beloved wife all the residue of my personal Estate__or movable during her widowhood or after her marriage or death to be equally divided among all my children

Item I do Ordain Constitute and appoint my well beloved wife my whole and Soul Exc. of this my Last will and Testament as witness my hand and seal this day and year first above written

Denes (his mark) Driskoal (Seal)

Signed sealed and delivered in the presense of us Peter Watson, Dorothy (her mark) Watson, John Roach, Margaret (her mark) Conner

Somerset County 9 ber 1721 Then came John Roach and Peter Watson subscribing witnesses to the within will who made oath upon the Holy Evangelists of Almighty God that they saw the within named Dennis Driskoal the testator Sign and Seal the within his last will and testament That they heard him publish and ordain the same so to be and at that time of his so doing he was of sound disposing mind and memory to the best of their knowledge Sworn to me the day and year aforesaid John Tuesdele, Depty Commr

Probate records show Dennis was married to Winifritt/Winifred at the time of his death, and she was deceased by 1724 when her inventory was taken.

Other Driscolls found in early Maryland are Florence and Cornelius. Florence is noted in the records of St. Mary's Co., MD as immigrating by 1674. However, to date no further record of him has been found. Cornelius was transported in 1678-1679....see: from Yougall, County Cork, IRE. This is likely the same Cornel/Cornelius Driskole found in the land records of Talbot Co., MD, in 1703. Liber RF#9 pg 188 shows Cornelius bought 150 acres of land called Timber Neck. In Liber RF#9, pg. 205, Cornelius gives notice that he will not be responsible for any debts incurred by his wife, Elizabeth. Later, in the 1720-1740 time period, a William Driskell is found in Queen Anne Co., MD. This William married Rebecah Kenton (widow of Wm. Kenton) in 1717. In 1738, Queen Anne Co., William (sadler)and Rebecah sold land to Solomon Kenton.

At this time, there is nothing to link any of these men to Dennis Driskell of Somerset Co., MD.

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 [1], in Maryland, United States. Maryland, Wills and Probate Records, 1635-1777: [database on-line]. (Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2015).