Person:Charles II le Chauve (1)

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Charles II "le Chauve" de France
m. Feb 819
  1. Gisèle de FranceAbt 821 - Aft 874
  2. Charles II "le Chauve" de France823 - 877
m. 14 Dec 842
  1. Judith _____, of Flanders843 - 870
  2. Louis II _____, the Stammerer846 - 879
  3. Lothaire _____, the LameAbt 847 - 865
  4. Charles _____, the ChildAbt 847 - 866
  5. Carloman _____848 - Est 877
  6. Rotrude _____852 - Bet 889 & 912
  7. Ermentrud _____Abt 854 -
  8. Hildegarde _____Abt 856 -
  9. Gisele _____Abt 858 - 974
  10. Alberade _____, Duchess of Lorraine870 - 916
m. 22 Jan 870
  1. Rothilde de France871 - 928
  2. _____ Drogo872 - 873
  3. _____ Pippin873 - 874
  4. Unknown Male _____875 - 875
  5. _____ Charles876 - 877
Facts and Events
Name[22] Charles II "le Chauve" de France
Alt Name Charles II "The Bald" of France, Holy Roman Emperor
Gender Male
Birth[2][21][22] 13 Jun 823 Frankfurt am Main, Hessen, GermanyHouse of Carolingian
Marriage 14 Dec 842 Quierzy, Aisne, Franceto Ermentrude d'Orléans
Title (nobility)[22] 11 Aug 843 Roi des Francs
Title (nobility)[22] 846 Roi d'Aquitaine
Marriage 22 Jan 870 Aachen, Rheinland, Preußen, Germanyto Richilde d'Ardennes
Title (nobility)[4][22] From 875 to 877 Eméreur d'Occident, Emperor - Holy Roman Empire
Death[22] 6 Oct 877 Avrieux, Savoie, France
Burial[22] 877 Nantua, Ain, FranceBasilique
Alt Death[21] 6 Oct 1877 "Brios"the identity of "Brios" is uncertain
Reference Number? Q71231

the text in this section is copied from an article in Wikipedia

Charles the Bald (; 13 June 823 – 6 October 877), also known as Charles II, was a 9th-century king of West Francia (843–877), king of Italy (875–877) and emperor of the Carolingian Empire (875–877). After a series of civil wars during the reign of his father, Louis the Pious, Charles succeeded, by the Treaty of Verdun (843), in acquiring the western third of the empire. He was a grandson of Charlemagne and the youngest son of Louis the Pious by his second wife, Judith.

This page uses content from the English Wikipedia. The original content was at Charles the Bald. The list of authors can be seen in the page history. As with WeRelate, the content of Wikipedia is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.
  1.   Charles the Bald, in Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia.
  2. Weis, Frederick Lewis; Walter Lee Sheppard; and David Faris. Ancestral roots of certain American colonists, who came to America before 1700: the lineage of Alfred the Great, Charlemagne, Malcolm of Scotland, Robert the Strong, and some of their descendants. (Baltimore, Maryland: Genealogical Pub. Co., 7th Edition c1992)
    p. 129.
  3.   L' Arts de Verifier Les Dates. (Name: 914 pages, 1770;).
  4. Frederick Lewis Weis. Ancestral Roots of Sixty Colonists. (Name: Baltimore Genealogical Publishing Co., 1990;)
    Line 49 No. 16, Line 148 No. 15.

    Charles II, the Bald . . . King of the Franks 840-877, Emperor 25 Dec. 875-877

  5.   L' Arts de Verifier Les Dates. (Name: 914 pages, 1770;).

    b 828

  6.   Frederick Lewis Weis. Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America bef 1760. (Name: 7th ed Genealogical Publishing, Baltimore 1992;)
    line 48 p 50.

    b 828 no place

  7.   L' Arts de Verifier Les Dates. (Name: 914 pages, 1770;).

    d 877

  8.   d 877 no place, in Frederick Lewis Weis. Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America bef 1760. (Name: 7th ed Genealogical Publishing, Baltimore 1992;)
    line 48 p 50.
  9.   Tab. Gen. Souv., France 22, Tab. IV.
  10.   Die Nachkomen Karls des. Grossen.
  11.   Carm. Pub. BT, v. 11, p. 3.
  12.   Ahnen Zu Karl der Grossen, Germ FH 694, p. 103.
  13.   Americana AM Pub. f, v. 32, p. 585.
  14.   Burke's Peerage, Eng. P, 1949, p. ccli.
  15.   Anderson's Royal Genealogy, Eng. 132, p. 451, 616.
  16.   Plantagenet Ancestry, Eng. 116, p. 171.
  17.   Keiser und Koenig Hist., Gen. Hist., 25, pt. 1, p. 6, 7, 9.
  18.   Betham's Gen. Tab., Eng. 133, Tab. 253.
  19.   KdG III E, in Karel de Grote - de eerste geneaties.
  20.   Charles I, Roi de France, in Lundy, Darryl. The Peerage: A genealogical survey of the peerage of Britain as well as the royal families of Europe.
  21. 21.0 21.1 Charles "le Chauve" (the Bald) (Karolus Calvus, Karl "der Kahle"), in Baldwin, Stewart, and Todd Farmerie. The Henry Project (King Henry II ): Ancestors of King Henry II.
  22. 22.0 22.1 22.2 22.3 22.4 22.5 22.6 Biographie a Wikipédia FR, in Wikipedia
    [[1]], trouvée 2016.

    Charles II1 dit le Chauve, né le 13 juin 823 à Francfort-sur-le-Main (Allemagne), mort le 6 octobre 877 à Avrieux (Savoie), est un des petit-fils de Charlemagne qui procèdent au partage de l'Empire en 843. Roi d'Aquitaine dès le règne de son père Louis le Pieux, il est roi de Francie occidentale de 843 à 877 et devient empereur d'Occident en 875.

  23.   Rooms Katholiek
  24.   in een alpenhut te Avrieux (bij de Mt. Cenis)
  25.   klooster Nantua, later Saint-Denis (in de buurt van Parijs)
  26.   Koning der Westfranken, bijgenaamd De Kale. Bron: o.a. IsenburgStammtafeln, NF II.01