Person:Catherine Ice (1)

Catherine Ice
d.9 Apr 1903 Wetzel Co, (W)VA
m. Est 1815
  1. Dr. William Joseph Ice, MD1818 - 1918
  2. Catherine Ice1821 - 1903
  3. Mary ICE1824 - 1888
  4. Emmaline ICE1830 -
  5. Uriah ICE1831 - 1913
  6. Luvizena IceAbt 1834 -
m. Abt 1841
  1. Albert Jasper Van Camp1842 - 1923
  2. Alfred Newton Van Camp1844 - 1926
  3. Alvilda Van Camp1845 - 1918
  4. Zeri Van Camp1847 - 1854
  5. Elmira Van Camp1848 - 1912
  6. John Nelson Van Camp1851 - 1943
  7. Lenora Van Camp1853 -
  8. Sherrard C. Van Camp1856 - 1950
  9. Amanda Belle Van Camp1858 - 1946
  10. Eldorado Van Camp1860 - 1941
  11. Julia A Van CampAbt 1867 -
Facts and Events
Name Catherine Ice
Gender Female
Birth? 6 Feb 1821 Paden Fork, Wetzel Co, (W)VA
Alt Birth[1] 6 Feb 1826
Marriage Abt 1841 Paden Fork, Wetzel Co, (W)VAto John Nelson Van Camp
Death? 9 Apr 1903 Wetzel Co, (W)VA
Alt Death[1] 9 Apr 1908
Burial? Evans Cemetery, Gamble Run, Wetzel Co, (W)VA

Note that the two alternative death dates, 9 APR 1903 and 9 Apr 1908, differ only in the last digit of the year. It seems likely someone mistook a "3" for an "8", or vice versa, when reading the gravestone (or a transcription of it). Also, note that the two alternative birth dates also differ only in the last digit of the year, and that they differ by the same amount, 5 years; this is probably due to both using the age stated on the gravestone to calculate the birth year, just based on differing years of death.

REFN: 1-3-11-3

  1. 1.0 1.1 Tyler County Heritage and Historical Society (Middlebourne, West Virginia). History of Tyler County, West Virginia to 1984. (Middlebourne, West Virginia: The Society, c1984 (Marceline, Mo. : Walsworth Pub. Co.)).