Person:Anne of Brittany (1)

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Anne de Bretagne
m. 27 Jun 1471
  1. Anne de Bretagne1477 - 1514
  2. Isabelle de Bretagne1481 - 1490
m. 6 Dec 1491
  1. Charles Orland de France1492 - 1495
  2. Unknown (26328)1493 - 1493
  3. Unknown (26329)1495 - 1495
  4. Charles de France1496 - 1496
  5. François de France1497 - 1498
  6. Anne de France1498 - 1498
m. 7 Jan 1499
  1. Claude de France, duchesse de Bretagne1499 - 1524
  2. Renée de France1510 - 1574
Facts and Events
Name Anne de Bretagne
Gender Female
Birth[1][2] 25 Jan 1477 Nantes, Loire-Atlantique, FranceChâteau de Nantes
Marriage 6 Dec 1491 Langeais, Indre-et-Loire, FranceChâteau de Langeais
to Charles VIII _____, of France
Marriage Contract 13 Dec 1491 Langeais, Indre-et-Loire, Franceto Charles VIII _____, of France
Marriage 7 Jan 1499 to Louis XII _____, de France
Death[1][2] 9 Jan 1514 Blois, Loir-et-Cher, FranceChâteau de Blois
Burial[2] église de l'Abbaye royale de Saint-Denis
Reference Number? Q201143

the text in this section is copied from an article in Wikipedia

Anne of Brittany (; 25/26 January 1477 – 9 January 1514) was reigning Duchess of Brittany from 1488 until her death, and Queen of France from 1491 to 1498 and from 1499 to her death. She is the only woman to have been queen consort of France twice. During the Italian Wars, Anne also became Queen of Naples, from 1501 to 1504, and Duchess of Milan, in 1499–1500 and from 1500 to 1512.

Anne was raised in Nantes during a series of conflicts in which the King of France sought to assert his suzerainty over Brittany. Her father, Francis II, Duke of Brittany, was the last male of the House of Montfort. Upon his death in 1488, Anne became duchess regnant of Brittany, countess of Nantes, Montfort, and Richmond, and viscountess of Limoges. She was only 11 at that time, but she was already a coveted heiress because of Brittany's strategic position. The next year, she married Maximilian I of Austria by proxy, but Charles VIII of France saw this as a threat since his realm was located between Brittany and Austria. He started a military campaign which eventually forced the duchess to renounce her marriage.

Anne eventually married Charles VIII in 1491. None of their children survived early childhood, and when the king died in 1498, the throne went to his cousin, Louis XII. Following an agreement made to secure the annexation of Brittany, Anne had to marry the new king. Louis XII was deeply in love with his wife and Anne had many opportunities to reassert the independence of her duchy. They had two daughters together and, although neither could succeed to the French throne due to the Salic Law, the eldest was proclaimed the heiress of Brittany. Anne managed to have her eldest daughter engaged to Charles of Austria, grandchild of Maximilian I, but after her death in 1514, her daughter married her cousin Francis I of France. This marriage later led to the formal union between France and Brittany.

Anne is highly regarded in Brittany as a conscientious ruler who defended the duchy against France. In the Romantic period, she became a figure of Breton patriotism and she was honoured with many memorials and statues. Her artistic legacy is important in the Loire Valley, where she spent most of her life. She was notably responsible, with her husbands, for architectural projects in the châteaux of Blois and Amboise.

This page uses content from the English Wikipedia. The original content was at Anne of Brittany. The list of authors can be seen in the page history. As with WeRelate, the content of Wikipedia is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.
  1. 1.0 1.1 Anne of Brittany, in Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 ANNE de Bretagne, in Cawley, Charles. Medieval Lands: A prosopography of medieval European noble and royal families.