Person:Anna Lean (1)

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m. Abt 1830
  1. William Scarnell Lean, M.A.1834 -
  2. Charles LeanAbt 1835 -
  3. Walter LeanAbt 1837 -
  4. Anna LeanAbt 1839 - Abt 1845
  5. Mary LeanAbt 1842 - Abt 1920
  6. Sophia Lean1843 - 1872
  7. Alice Blanche Lean1844 -
  8. Anna Maria Lean1846 - 1888
m. 11 Jul 1877
  1. Margaret Andrews1879 - 1935
  2. Herbert Andrews1880 - 1904
  3. Helen Andrews1883 - 1958
  4. Gertrude Andrews1886 - 1967
Facts and Events
Name Anna Maria Lean
Alt Name Miss Mcwopper (Affectionately By Boys At Ackworth School) _____
Gender Female
Birth[1] 3 Jun 1846 Camp Hill Birmingham, Warwickshire, England, United Kingdom.
Religion? 1847 Camp Hill Birmingham, Warwickshire, England, United Kingdom.Religious Society of Friends (born into Quaker family).
Unknown[3] Mar 1876
Marriage 11 Jul 1877 Ackworth, Yorkshire, England, United Frederick Andrews
Death[2] 3 Oct 1888 Ackworth, Yorkshire, England, United Kingdom.Cause: Cancer or tuberculosis (see notes).
Burial? Friends' Burial Ground Ackworth, Yorkshire, England, United Kingdom.
Physical Description? She was tall and of a queenly presence [see "Frederick Andrews of Ackworth" p.71].

DEATH: We are told of the duration of her illness and that it was early diagnosed as terminal. However ther is no reference to the actual nature of the disease that afflicted her so severely. The two most likely causes are cancer or consumption (tuberculosis).

RESIDENCES: Camp Hill, Birmingham, Warwickshire, England. Ackworth School, Nr. Pontefract, Yorkshire, England.

RECORDS: Marriage - Ackworth Meeting, 11 July 1877. From the house of herbrother, William Scarnell Lean, at The Flounders. Bridesmaids -Sophie Tatham (later Lady Morrison of Leeds). - AgnesGrimshaw[1800] (the bridegroom's cousin).

PERSONAL: She was tall (five feet nine inches) and wasaffectionately known to the boys at her brother's school as MissMcWopper. A lady described her as '... of a queenly presence.She had a beautiful oval face with large lustrous dark eyes,above which was a mass of black hair arranged in a chignon witha band of black velvet.' She was high spirited, with an emphaticpersonality. [This, and more, is to be found in 'FrederickAndrews of Ackworth']

BOOK: TITLE: Frederick Andrews of Ackworth AUTHOR:Isaac Henry Wallis PUBLISHER: Longmans, Green & Co., London,1924 YEARS COVERED: Ackworth School 1789-1924; Frederick Andrews1850-1922 SIZE OF BOOK: 222 x 136 mm TOTAL PAGES: 340 ISIT INDEXED: Yes REPOSITORY: 1. State Library of New SouthWales, Sydney. 2. Copy held by Alfred H. Rogers, Forestville,NSW 2087 (1994) CALL #: NOTES: see pages 54, 71 et seq, 83, 92,103 and 111.

  1. Public Records Office. 1881 British Census Transcript. (Electronic transcript to CD by LDS)
    FHL Film 1342109 PRO Ref RG11 Piece 4597 Folio 116 Page 1.
  2. Isaac Henry Wallis. Frederick Andrews of Ackworth. (Longmans, Green and Co., London, 1924)
  3. Isaac Henry Wallis. Frederick Andrews of Ackworth. (Longmans, Green and Co., London, 1924).
  4.   Jul-Sep 1846, Kings Norton, in England. FreeBMD Birth Index, 1837-1983. (Free UK Genealogy).